Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our View

It turns out things have been quiet this week because we are waiting for our services to be hooked up. I think it happened late today but I wasn't able to get there to check it out. The students will be back on Tuesday so the framing won't start until then. They will be pouring the floor to the crawl space before then I believe.

In the absence of action shots today I thought I would post some pictures of our view. We are next to the house in the first picture. I can't wait to see what the view will be like from our top floor. John and I will have our bedroom at the back facing the view, with a balcony off of it. I imagine we will spend a lot of time there.

We are both enjoying the process of building the house, but sometimes when everything seems overwhelming I think about the view and how great it will be and it makes it all worth it.

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