Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Action Shots

There was a lot of work done today on the house. It was a beautiful day and a great day to take some action shots. The floor was going to be poured tomorrow but it has been postponed - there will be some more great action shots when that happens.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wall Forms Part Quatre

It looks like the school is just about finished putting up the outside set of wall forms; next will be the inside set. I understand this takes a long time as the students have to make sure all measurements are within 1/16" of where they are supposed to be - it is very exact.

Take a look at the mud. I have seen the students at the end of the day and they get very dirty. I just hope they are helping their parents with the laundry!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wall Forms Part 3

Whoa, some of the wall forms are really tall! We had a ton of rain last night also so it is really, really muddy and slippery right now.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wall Forms Are Up!

The wall forms are going up! There is a big change today from yesterday. The house is really starting to take shape and the spaces which didn`t look very big are looking bigger with some walls around them. Maybe this weekend I will get an opportunity to put on my mud boots and wander in to the middle and get a real feel for what it is like.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wall Forms

The work on the wall forms has been started! A lot of the footing forms have been removed and the wall forms have been started. Horizontal rebar has been added to the vertical rebar. I am sure tomorrow will bring big changes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quiet-ish Days

There will be some quiet days at Ocean Oasis. The students will be taking days off for classroom learning and for first aid and safety training, which is what I believe was happening today. They did make it to the lot at the end of the day. They started taking off some of the foundation forms and adding some wall forms. It looks like they also spent some time sorting the wall forms that were delivered yesterday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting Ready for Walls

After pouring the concrete last Thursday there was a build-up of water. It looks like a lot of the water was drained today. There was also a delivery - it looks like the forms for the walls. That is the next step and it will be fun to see them put together.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Quiet Day on the Home Front

There wasn't any action happening today at Muddy Paradise. I think that Fridays are a day off for the students. I didn't expect anything to happen today anyway as the concrete needs time to cure. Luckily the weather is sunny to help it along.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Footings are Poured

My initial idea for this blog was to put a picture a day on it. I am finding this totally impossible - there is so much happening every day and it is so much fun to see Brad and the students in action. I am trying to limit it to three pictures but today was a special day so I have a few more to share.

The footings are poured and it only took 1 1/2 hours. The concrete pumper truck was hugely tall and the kids loved watching all the action.
Make sure you watch the video below - it is a short clip of the cement pouring.

Getting Ready for Cement

These are the pictures from yesterday. The students are almost finished with the forms and have added rebar to them. The cement truck is coming at 1 today so I should have some great pictures tonight!

The cement truck will fill the forms today and then the students will build forms for walls.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another Day Working on the Foundation

More pictures of the forms for the foundation. The rectangular area between the two higher areas is where our stairwell is going to be:

They also made a table for the house plans:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Starting the Foundation

Today was a great day. The students were all here. They turned this:

Into this:

These are the forms for the foundation. It is exciting to see the outline of the house coming together.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Great Addition

You will recall in this previous post that although Ocean Oasis aka Muddy Paradise was close to perfect there was one key element it was missing.

These were delivered last week:

Now it is perfect (and you don't have to avoid the bushes at the back anymore!).

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tagging the Corners and Great Mud

Now that the digging is done the surveyors have come back and tagged the corners of the house so the students know where to put the foundation. Not a very exciting picture, I know.

The most exciting thing happening on 'Ocean Oasis' by a longshot is the mud. It is so exciting that the kids have renamed the lot "Muddy Paradise" for the time being. I had a lot of laundry today.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Hole is Done!

I found out that "Digger Man's" name is Bill. And Bill is done and unfortunately I didn't get to talk to him. So thank you Bill! The hole looks great and it was fun watching you work.
I believe as the digging is done there won't be anything happening until Monday when the students return. Then it will be time to do the foundation. Pretty exciting stuff!

Digging a Hole - Day 7, March 9th

I think that the hole is mostly done - it hasn't changed too much. Here are today's pictures: